The film Objectified explores the different design processes and the meaning behind the material objects that we surround ourselves with everyday. According to Henry Ford “Every object tells a story if you know how to read it”. Objectified brings the viewers attention to the magnitude of Ford’s statement. Everything that is man-made must be design by someone! From the time I get up and brush my teeth with a Collegiate tooth brush to the moment I wrap myself up in my West Elm bedding, I am surrounding myself with design. There are thousands of designers who under went a rigorous creative process in order to create the objects that serve everyday way in everyday. Starting with an idea or concept and then radiating from there; what to include, what to eliminate (many designers in the movie operated under the minimalist philosophy), what materials to create from and overall functionality.
One designer that was featured in the movie, whom which I have grown to admire, is the man behind the apple, Senior Vice President of Industrial design, Jonathan Ives. He has revolutionized the mp3 player, reinvented the aesthetic of the computer and aided in propelling apple to the superpower of the technology world that it is today. Ives states that he is constantly asking the question “Why?”. “Why do we need it?” “Why is it one way as opposed to another?” “Why can’t I change it?”… “Why?”! He explains that good design feels inherent which, to me, explains his ability to fit together the user tendencies, wants and needs with simple alterations to his product such as the iphone’s ability to fit perfectly and desirably in the operator’s hand. Johnny Ives is seems to be the epitome of what designers aspire to be; able to tap into the user’s mind in order to create successful, beautiful products.
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